Making the World a Better Place Through the Performing Arts!

Your tax-deductible donation enables us to create opportunities for audiences young and old to learn about cultures from around the globe through the traditional performing arts.

Our online donations via credit card are processed securely through Funraise, a leading fundraising platform for nonprofits. We will not have access to any of your sensitive financial information.

If you prefer to speak with a real person about a possible gift, please contact Monica Emery, our executive director, at (619) 363-3007 or

Rather Donate by Check?

Please make out your check to “Center for World Music” and send it to:

Center for World Music
8885 Rio San Diego Dr. #237
San Diego, CA 92108

Image link to Candid. Guidestar nonprofit rating

We earned a GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency! If you’re thinking of donating, you can easily confirm our non-profit status and other details with this trusted source.

Check out our nonprofit profile: Center for World Music